
Backblaze install mac
Backblaze install mac

backblaze install mac


Yes, I’ve made sure no other computers are using the bandwidth - it’s just my macbook pro with bacblaze, and that’s it.Yes, I’ve set backblaze to “continous”.Yes, I’ve disabled all energy settings on my Mac, preventing it to go to sleep.Yes, I’ve disabled “throttling” and moved the slider all the way over to “performance” (max speed).


  • Yes I’ve updated all my software - router firmware, backblaze app, OS-updates.
  • Yes, I’ve rebooted the router, and even factory reset it.
  • The upload speed hovers between 4mbit/s and 30mbit/s. Doesn't matter if it's 1 thread, 6 threads, 10 or 30 threads. I am completely unable to achieve anywhere close to their ambitiously advertised "unlimited speed", I'm maxing out at 30mbit/s in the bacblaze app, no matter what I try.
  • Internet: Cabled 1Gbps fiber connection 1000/1000.
  • I still think they should change it or make it more clear and spell out that it means "no throttling and not unlimited MB/s". Brianwski and some of the other community readers says it means unthrottled. My personal understanding of "unlimited speed" is Bacblaze being able to saturate my connection. So what does "unlimited speed" actually mean? Does it mean we won't throttle you after a certain amount of data trasnferrred (ie decrease your speed after the 1st TB uloaded, and then slow you down further on the 2nd TB uploaded) or does it mean unlimited speed, so no matter how fast your connection is, you will be able to maximise it / saturate it, should you wish to do so. It’s right there on their product page for personal cloud backup They promise unlimited files, unlimited file size and unlimited speeds. It may or may not be misleading customers, it depends on semantics. But most of you were nice.īackblaze’s advertising may be up for interpretation. This is a great community, with a lot of passionate, but also reasonable people who can have a conversation, disagree but remain civil - well, most of you were civil, one person PM-ed me a hateful message, you know who you are, and I have reported you to reddit.

    backblaze install mac

    EDIT: I would like to thank you all for a fruitful conversation and argument, especially backblaze developer Brianwski who chimed in.

    Backblaze install mac